Professional Cat Grooming With Care
Fur's A Flyin' takes great care in our cat grooming services for both short and long-haired varieties. Cats usually do a good job at grooming themselves: however, we occasionally find that increased weight and age can affect the cats' willingness or ability to self-groom. Ideally, regular grooming can help decrease a cat's potential for hairballs, excess dander, skin conditions and shedding. Whenever possible, kittens should be acclimated to grooming as soon as possible so the process is enjoyable versus stressful.
As most owners know, cats can be aloof and independent. This translates to a pet that generally dislikes the longer-term restraint and handling that comes with professional grooming. Because cats generally stress easily, we consider the important factors of age and health before agreeing to groom your cat. As a general rule, we allocate two staff members to ensure the safety and well-being of your cat and our staff.

In order to minimize the stress of grooming for your kitty, we recommend scheduling your visit before significant matting or heavy undercoat buildup occurs. This makes combing and brushing more tolerable and decreases the risk of clipper knicks to the skin when removing matted fur. If your cat is intolerant of grooming and requires a sedative, we are happy to work with your veterinarian to provide your cat with grooming services at their establishment and under their supervision.

We provide the following services:
Brush and/or comb out, with or without a bath
Tummy shave
Sanitary shave
Lion cuts, with or without a bath
A​nal gland expression
Nail trimming
If we feel your cat needs or will tolerate a bath, we will protect their eyes from shampoo irritation with a non-medicated surgical eye lubricant. Next, we clean their ears with cleaner formulated specifically for cats. We then use a high-quality shampoo and conditioner to bathe kitty. We use variable speed, "forced-air" dryers to help remove dead hair and dander from your kitty's coat.